The purpose of IT governance at UNCG is to provide the mechanism by which institutional technology investments, programs and policies are vetted, prioritized, approved, and managed throughout the lifecycle.
The institutional IT governance framework is in place to address the need for responsiveness to the wide variety of IT needs in units across campus while keeping in mind the overall needs and resources of the University as a whole. It does not convey authority for strategic and operational decision-making within other divisions outside of ITS. Rather, IT Governance is a supporting and complementary framework that is informed by and exists to support the strategic and operational decisions made in other divisions that advance the University mission.
IT Governance is led by a strategic Executive Steering Committee (ESC) that is informed by a number of tactical committees that are focused on specific institution wide IT areas of focus. All tactical governance committees report to the Executive Steering Committee. The Executive Steering Committee reports to the Chancellor, who has final decision-making authority for all issues.
The ESC is the senior university governance group and principal strategic advisory group to the Chancellor. The ESC aligns technology investments with University strategic priorities and balances the University’s technology improvement goals with available resources.